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Neck Liposuction in Istanbul: Sculpting Defined Jawlines with Dr. CBS

Neck Liposuction in Istanbul: Sculpting Defined Jawlines with Dr. CBS

At Dr. CBS's clinic in Istanbul, neck liposuction (double-chin liposuction) emerges as a premier choice for sculpting and refining the jawline and neck area. This targeted procedure effectively addresses the accumulation of resistant fat under the chin, commonly referred to as a double chin, to reveal a more contoured and aesthetically pleasing profile.

At Dr. CBS's clinic in Istanbul, neck liposuction (double-chin liposuction) emerges as a premier choice for sculpting and refining the jawline and neck area. This targeted procedure effectively addresses the accumulation of resistant fat under the chin, commonly referred to as a double chin, to reveal a more contoured and aesthetically pleasing profile.

Overview of Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction, also known as double chin liposuction, is a specialized surgical technique designed to eliminate unwanted fat deposits in the submental area. Through a minimally invasive approach, this procedure enhances facial harmony by defining the jawline and reducing the appearance of a double chin, contributing to a more youthful and dynamic facial silhouette.

The Rationale for Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction is performed to achieve several key aesthetic goals, including:

  • Reduction of excess fat beneath the chin to alleviate the appearance of a double chin.

  • Enhancement of jawline definition for a more sculpted facial contour.

  • Improvement in the transition between the lower face and neck for a harmonious profile.

  • Rejuvenation of the neck area for a youthful and uplifted appearance.

Causes of Submental Fullness

The development of a double chin may be attributed to a variety of factors, such as:

  • Genetic predisposition to fat accumulation in the submental region.

  • Lifestyle and weight fluctuations that contribute to fat deposition.

  • Aging, which naturally affects skin elasticity and fat distribution.

  • Environmental and habitual factors, including sun exposure and dietary habits.

Combining Liposuction with Thread Lift for Enhanced Rejuvenation

For patients presenting with mild skin excess alongside submental fullness, Dr. CBS often recommends combining neck liposuction with a thread lift. This synergistic approach allows for the removal of fat and the simultaneous lifting of sagging skin, offering a comprehensive rejuvenation of the neck and jawline area under local anesthesia.

The Permanence of Neck Liposuction Results

While neck liposuction delivers permanent fat reduction in the treated area, maintaining a stable weight post-procedure is crucial to preserving the sculpted outcomes. Significant weight gain post-surgery may lead to fat reaccumulation in the neck, diminishing the defined appearance achieved.

Safety and Efficacy of the Procedure

Neck liposuction under Dr. CBS's expertise is characterized by its safety and high satisfaction rate. Performed under local anesthesia, this procedure involves minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily routines promptly. As with any surgical intervention, potential risks are significantly minimized through meticulous surgical technique and comprehensive patient care.

Procedure Details

The neck liposuction procedure typically lasts about 30 minutes, with variations depending on individual patient needs and the extent of fat removal. Following the injection of a tumescent solution to emulsify fat and minimize discomfort, a fine cannula is used to precisely suction out the fat, sculpting a more defined neck and jawline.

Recovery and Aftercare

Post-operative care is crucial for optimal healing and results. Patients may be advised to wear a compression garment and follow specific aftercare instructions, including avoiding strenuous activities and maintaining proper hygiene of the treatment area.

Discover Neck Liposuction in Istanbul

Interested in exploring how neck liposuction can enhance your appearance? Contact Dr. CBS's clinic in Istanbul for a personalized consultation. We'll discuss your aesthetic goals, the procedure details, and how neck liposuction can achieve the refined, confident look you desire.

Pricing for Neck Liposuction in Istanbul

Pricing for neck liposuction at our Istanbul clinic is tailored to each patient's specific requirements and treatment plan. Reach out to us for a detailed consultation and a customized approach to achieving your aesthetic objectives.

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